So I got an iPhone. It's white and beautiful and I've named it Lou....Ithink. It's a very hard decision.
I've been spending a lot of time at CHC, reading my butt off. I have so much reading. I don't really mind though, I LOVE reading, so when I get to do it for good reason, I'm completely happy.
New babies are in the neighborhood, which is so happy. and more to come which makes me very excited. Hopefully they don't come AFTER I leave for school. *fingers crossed*
Spending time with the bestie is so encouraging. I'm so thankful for My Joi. And I'm so thankful that we're going to King's together. *insert happy dance here*

My sister Maggie and I have been getting super close, which is awesome since we had a rocky start (I was very disappointed that she wasn't a boy when she was born and I kind of held it against her for a couple years.... like she had any say in the matter..) She's growing into a beautiful young lady of God. I love watching her grow up.

I've also been spending a lot of time with this boy here. This kid is my absolute favorite. His dad is my youth pastor and his mom is a mentor. My best friend Susannah and I spend a lot of time at this adorable boy's house with his mom. The three of us also go out a lot with another youth leader. I love those three women so so so so so so much. This year would be so so completely different if they weren't here. They have kept me going throughout the wait for August. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with these women.
Well, I guess that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed a little look into what my life looks like right now :) Blessings.