Tuesday, September 29, 2009



Madeleine L'Engle is one of my heroes. She's one of those people I so look forward to talking to in Heaven. Morgan would agree. She's so wise and... really. Her writing has changed my life and I believe it will keep doing so.

Two Quotes-

• That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they've been all along.

• We tend to think things are new because we've just discovered them.


this makes me so happy its not even funny...


I decided today that salad is quite beautiful. I work at a salad making stand at Central Market (its like subway but for salad.) and I was thinking "wow look at all those colors!" I find it quite amazing really.


so the other day my sisters and I went to get our pictures done by the Weibners. They are amazing. ah! really they are. the photos will be up first friday at their studio (on queen). come and vote so my mom can get a free photo of her girls :)

website: http://www.thewiebners.com/

in the boredom of yesterday...

all the photos can be seen here : http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2038686&id=1293923236&l=58b2d6c72e


This picture makes me so happy!! :)


friends with blogs!! here's a few...



Monday, September 28, 2009


"Oh senseless man, who cannot possibly make a worm or a flea and yet will create Gods by the dozen!" — Michel de Montaigne


I saw this today and it made my heart skip a beat. When I am married and have my own house, I want a kitchen like this. *sigh*

plans plans plans.....

I am in love with photography. What can I say? Its true.

I am on a hunt for amazingly beautiful pictures. My plan for this blog (as of right now it will probably change) is to put up beautiful pictures I've found (and taken) and maybe I'll throw in a quote here and there.

That is all for now.
