Saturday, May 26, 2012

quote tiiiiime

I'm sorry that I've been a bit absent recently, I've been very busy and have not been very inspired. But I thought I'd stop by quick and post a photo I found on pinterest that I just happened to read in Weight of Glory by C.S.Lewis. I'm in love with this:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pursuit of Knowledge and Beauty

"I mean the pursuit of knowledge and beauty, in a sense, for their own sake, but in a sense which does not exclude their being for God's sake. An appetite for these things exists in the human mind, and God makes no appetite in vain. We can therefore pursue knowledge as such, and beauty as such, in the sure confidence that by so doing we are either advancing to the vision of God ourselves or indirectly helping others to do so." -C.S.Lewis

If God Made the World, Shouldn't We Travel It?

Danika and Me

My grandparents have a specific couple that they travel with. They have been friends with this couple for years and have been all over the world with them. 
My best friend, Danika, and I took a walk this morning. We live six blocks away from each other (on the same street, different blocks) and theres a pharmacy in the middle of our houses. We met at the pharmacy with our dogs and went on a walk. We talked about all the places we want to go to and all the things we want to see. We realized we want to visit a lot of the same places for the same reasons (hey we're best friends, what can I say). After we said goodbye and walked to our separate homes, I realized that I want Dan to be the couple to my grandparents. We talked about where we want to take our husbands. So my dream right now? Travel the world with my future husband, my best friend, and her future husband. Maybe Danika and I will get started early. Who knows. First stop? Moving to New York together.

Travel Dream List:
Anywhere in Europe really

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mondays, Museums, and Fashion

It's raining. Rain makes sitting in cafes so much cozier. which is a hard thing to do since cafes are pretty cozy to begin with.

My mom sent me this poem this morning. I thought I would share it with you.

On Mondays

On Mondays when the museums are closed
and a handful of guards
look the other way
or read their newspapers
all of the figures
step out of golden frames
to stroll the quiet halls
or visit among old friends.
Picasso's twisted ladies
rearrange themselves
to trade secrets
with the languid odalisques of Matisse
while sturdy Rembrandt men
shake the dust
from their velvet tams
and talk shop.
Voluptuous Renoir women
take their rosy children by the hand
to the water fountains
where they gossip
while eating Cezanne's luscious red apples.
Even Van Gogh
in his tattered yellow straw hat
seems almost happy
on Mondays when the museums are closed.

It ^^ makes me think of Philly and the art museums and of new york. Which makes me excited. Cuz I'm moving there in t-minus 103ish days. I'm excited. can you tell?

I've been thinking a lot about what my options might be for jobs after college, ie. what I like, what I don't like, where do I see my self thriving, what are my strengths,
For some reason I keep coming back to the fashion world. Sure, I don't design, I'm not artistic like that, but I love writing, I love fashion, I love photography. All these things add to up some kind of magazine job. So is that where I'll be in four years? Who knows... (besides God..) So I'll just spend the next couple months..years.. researching. Besides, the fashion world needs more lights in it anyway.

oh I got to talk to two of my besties today, one stopped by and the other we chatted on the phone. What a nice break from that madness that is my school.

speaking of madness... time to return to it.
Happy monday.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Re-Humanizing. And Paused.

So yesterday at church my pastor was talking about those pauses we feel before a change God is bringing. Our sermon series right now is focusing on the appearances Christ made after his resurrection. It's a wonderful series, just seeing God show himself to his followers who were so broken. Anyway, yesterday's sermon was based on John 21: 1-14, when Jesus appeared to the disciples on the Sea of Galilee. Anyway, I was just thinking this morning about what my pastor said about the pauses.
I feel paused. Paused, yet still moving. I am in the same place I have been in for the last year, but I feel that quiver of something new coming. I'm ridiculously busy, but I feel paused. I'm waiting for God to press the play button.

This morning my mom emailed me an article and I wanted to share a part that really stuck out to me.

"Do you get it? The point of being Christian is not to be super-spritual. It's to be re-humanized. Returned to our God-given, human task of loving Him and loving others."

^^I forget this a lot.

Saturday night, my friends and I had a bonfire. We're all done our outside classes, so getting together that night was kind of a victory statement of "Holla! We're done! We've arrived! We're still friends after all these years of dying at the hands of school!" lots of singing, laughing and dancing around while eating pizza.

Favorite outfit of the day. I'm excited to move to New York.

Song of the Week.

Thanks for reading my random thoughts.

Have a fantastic back to school.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Senior Year Say What?! and elephants

My friend Aubrey and I: LAST DAY OF CLASSES. We so excited.
It's May. I can't believe that it's May already. I've slowly been crossing things off of my "Things To Do Before I Graduate" List:

Senior Prom
Last choir concert with three of my best friends: Amy, Derek and Anya
Finish HATS (my co-op)
Last Choir concert with CLCHM
•Last Carnival before leaving for school
•Finish Math
•Write a 10pager
•Finish little school work
•Pick a graduate date

I'm soooooooo close. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
That being said, I feel a little sentimental right now. I shed quite a few tears last night at my choir concert. My director always recognizes the seniors and gives them a rose in front of everyone. I've been waiting for my turn for FOREVER and when I finally went, I bawled. I gave ten years of my life to this event... and now it's over. so weird.
I was looking at photos from past choir and hats social events and started feeling sad that it's over. What good, sweet, joyous times I've had. What wonderful people I've been privileged to have in my life. I'm so incredibly thankful. God has blessed me so much! I can't believe a new chapter is about to begin.
that being said... I didn't get the scholarship that I tried out for. I was devastated but as time has gone on, I'm starting to see how God is working through this. And the praise is that I have all next year paid for. NEW YORK HERE I COME.
Last day of classes!!!! YAY
Senior Prom: Awesome Juniors

Carnival! With my sister Maggie, her friend Gabby, and our "cousin" Delaney
Aubs and Joylee

my besties: Susannah and Danika
Last weekend was girls night with my besties. Susannah and Danika are the best. We spent the evening talking in Susannah's kitchen while eating hotdogs and cookie dough and drinking cranberry juice (our favs), watching movies, and laughing on her bed. It was one of the those things that we value so much but weren't able to do in a while cuz of life. It was so necessary and long in coming. I love them.

In other news: I'm in love with elephants right now. I mean seriously. They're the cutest.