Well Hello there!
Yes, I do realize I haven't written in almost six months. But here I am again! I am sorry that I have left this poor lil blog in the lurch but I do have some excuses.
Excuse 1: I am so flippin busy. It's not even funny.
Excuse 2: I kind of forgot..heh.
Excuse 3: I am so so so busy.
Excuse 4: I kind of seriously forgot.
Excuse 5: I haven't really had anything to say.
Excuse 6: Heh.
Let me update you a little on some things that have happened in my life since I last wrote.
• I went to Scotland for 15 days. You can read allll about my trip here::
Moody Sunshine• I got more hours at my uhmazing job. I also made a few more work friends :)
• Imma Junior.
Lets talk about that point a little, shall we. I don't think I've ever been so busy or so exhausted in my whole life. Dude, Junior year is exhausting! I honestly just want it to be over, and it's just started.
There is a perk, though. It's hit me (quite a few times, actually) what an impact Juniors and Seniors have. I have freshies following me around. I have people asking my opinion on things. It's so weird!(in a good way). I never really realized how much impact I could have on someone. It's crazy. Apparently I've lived long enough and done enough stupid stuff that I can actually give advice to some of these kids.
A downside to almost graduating is the fact that I've been trying to figure out what I want to do after high school. I have so many ideas. and then I have No Idea What So Ever. Oh well. I still have a year (or more) to think about it.
Fact: I love photography. I thought I'd share some of my favorite photographers right now. Is that cool??
The Wiebners:: These guys are a local husband and wife team who happen to live next to my best friends. We have been come friends. They are so cool. 'Nough said. I've liked them for awhile now.
Brooke Courtney Photography:: Another local husband and wife team. These guys are cool. Sadly, I do not know them personally, but I do stay up-to-date with their blog.
Jurina Photography:: Another local photographer who I happen to know personally. Al goes to my church and was my photography teacher. We've shot weddings together, actually.
Amber Jacoby Photography:: Local photographer that I actually kind of work with! Amber works at Shenk's poultry in Central Market and I work at Lettuce Toss Salad. Our stands are almost right across from each other. Amber is one of the sweetest persons ever. I love her.
Jen Blatgalvis Photography:: I do not know this photographer but she took one of my dear friends senior pictures. I love the way the eyes of her models are so sparkly.
Navyblur:: This team is based in the UK and they are so. cool. I can't even describe how cool they are. check it out.
Jeremy Cowart:: Oh. My. Gosh. This guy is good. So. Good. I didn't give you his blog because you just need to look at his whole website. Really I can't even describe it.
Those are just a few out of many many photographers I really like. I hope you like looking at their work! I know I do. I spend WAY too much time looking at pictures and getting idears.
I hope yall are good!! If I think of more things to say I will write them here :)
Here's one of my all time favorite quotes to leave with you::
"God does not give us everything we want, but He does fulfill His promises...leading us along the best and straightest paths to Himself." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Good night everyone.