Monday, April 12, 2010

thoughts, good or bad-thus to be decided

I'm having one of those moments where I feel utterly lonely and empty.. this feeling I long for Jesus to fill but it's been hard. I miss my friends, whether far or near. I want a boyfriend (as lame as that sounds) its one of those things where I would love to be able to call someone who I know is there all the time. sigh. Part of this feeling right now is probably because its 10:18 pm and I just spent time chatting with my dear Susannah and we were talking about amazing Church friends/family.

What a depressing thing for me to talk about when I haven't blogged in forever! But I didn't really feel like putting my feelings onto facebook, and I had to let them out somewhere.

Ignore this silly post, for its just me putting my thoughts and feelings down. Is it right for me to secretly wear my heart on my sleeve?

On a happier note, I have good things to look forward to tomorrow: Work and a Photography Lesson with Al Jurina. Thank you God for blessings.

Happy Monday, friends.



  1. oh love. I understand those days. I hope my sappy message didn't make the boyfriend problem worse, I didn't mean it like that. I love you, my sweet, and Jesus is working in you. Even though you more often than not don't feel His work, you are growing and changing just by being alive and being surrounded by wonderful people. Look to your parents; they are all about God's love and patience and wisdom. Look at our wonderful church leaders, look at Mr. and Mrs. Becker. Look to the Lord. Just by gazing with open eyes at People of Christ, you will learn and be influenced and grow. I promise.
    and for the times when words of wisdom don't help, may I just remind you of them time when it was ME who wise words could not cheer up and you, instead, let me pick a song on your ipod (oh Jay Sean) and play it. And it made me feel better. So Carey, go pick a song, one of ours, and play it really loudly and remember that I love you entirely and you are wonderful and dear.

  2. M. You're message didn't make it worse.. it was great cuz it put how i feel to words.. and i have turned music up really loud.. i feel better know. i love you! and thank you for those wise words. I miss you dear. come home soon :)

  3. Oh girls, you two are lovely. Isn't friendship and deep love THE best thing in the world? It is, it is. All of life is about love, the love of our Lord, the love He gives us for Himself, and the love He gives us for one another. I miss you both tremendously, and Carey, yes, I have days just like yours. Let us pray for one another.
