I've been thinking this week about material things and how they don't last. Thursday night, here in the heart of Lancaster City, Zap & Co. burned down. Zap had been around since the '70s and then all of a sudden it wasn't there any longer. The fire went on for a very long time. I could see the smoke from my house. It was red. Everything was lost. It's a pile of blackened rubble now.
This made me stop and consider what I'm setting myself up for. Am I putting my hope, love, and trust in worldly, material things? Or am I trusting God to see me through. Am I worrying too much about what's going to happen after graduation and how I'm going to provide for myself, or am I trusting that the Lord will guide me through it all. Am I afraid that all my things will be lost in a four alarm fire and that I will have to start anew? Or am I trusting God?
It's been a lot to think about. I had a dream about fire. It's a scary thing. But slowly the promise that God will never leave me or forsake me has been seeping into my heart. I just hope that now the owner of Zap & Co. will be alright and that maybe, juuust maybe, he might see the Lord working through this tragedy. That's how God has knocked me over the head... many times. Keep Steve and the rest of the 300 block of Queen in your prayers.
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