Monday, May 30, 2011
Lancaster Central Market
This captures market perfectly. I love Market.
Cordero's Father

"Hello Master Cordero*."
"Hello.... how do you know my name?"
"Oh, because. I know your father you know."
The boy looked into the eyes of the peculiar person.
"Everyone knows my Father."
The stranger held out a hand.
"Come with me. I have something to show you." It turned. "Would you like some candy?"
"Lucifer!" a bellowing voice came from inside the barn. "You are not welcome here.
*cordero means lamb in spanish
This story was inspired by Ephesians 6:12-13, photograph found on Karl'sfriend Flicker.
Owl City - Alligator Sky ft. Shawn Chrystopher
I'm loving this. I can't wait for the whole album to come out for this summer. yay! :)
Contrast {a poem by C.A.}
I am black.
Black as night.
Black as the raven.
Black as tornado against
A blue sky.
I am unfit to be seen.
Do not come near
"The Devil Dwells Here"
Says the mat outside
My heart.
A man came to me
One afternoon.
I sat alone.
He said "hello".
"Don't come near me,"
Said I.
"I'm a black hole."
"Have you heard
Of the word
'Contrast'" said he.
"My name is
Mr. Light.
You are
Constant Black,
Are you not?"
I lifted an eye.
"How do you know?"
Question Mark.
"I'm here to save you.
You can't do it alone.
Now without me."
He reached out a hand,
And though I coiled back,
Grabbed mine and held fast.
A surge of energy
Went straight to
My heart.
I felt Light
and not Alone.
Now I am Light.
Light as dawn.
Light as the stars.
Light as Reflection.
I am not Alone.
I am Constant Light.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
A Morning Carnivaling
About two weeks ago a carnival came to town. It comes every year. Two years ago, my best friend Morgan and I went with another friend in the wee hours of the morning to do a photoshoot. Morgs and I decided that we would continue this tradition this year by walking down to the park at 6am. I am very pleased to say that I am a much better photographer then I was two years ago. We had a great time. I thought I'd share some of my favorites with yall. Enjoy "A Morning Carnivaling".

And Spring Comes to Lancaster

hello world. I did not forget about you, I promise! If we're going to be all honest here, I just haven't really had anything to say. But I'm back with a couple updates about myself. I thought I'd make a list...::
Things I'm Loving Right Now::
• observe picture to the left. Two things I absolutely love right now: Skirts with t-shirts. (I love it! it's so fun!! Im doing it right now!) and walk in love. clothing. I love this company. I own four shirts at the moment and plan to invest in some more. T.J. and Brooke, from Brooke Courtney Photography (something else I love right now, but that's nothing new...), have an amazing business going right now. They just opened up a store in the Park City Mall and it's adorable. I love it. One of my dear friends, Amber (from Amber Jacoby Photography), started working there and it's so fun to go over and visit! anyway I'm getting off track. Amber is some(one) else I'm loving right now. She's amazing. ANYWHOO walk in love. has been such an encouragement and reminder to me that I need to be walking in love with my family and friends and co-workers, etc. So. I'm ridiculously blessed by this company. check 'em outtttt. (photo by brookecourtneyphotography.)
• Instagram.. the iPhone app. it's so fun!.. photo on the go! I should go into the rhyming business.
• I've been listening to Adele's new album (my favorite songs are "rolling in the deep", "set fire to the rain", and "rumor has it") and Jon Foreman's EPs (i love the song "again").
• I love Lancaster in the Spring time.
• I've been writing a lot. I keep meaning to post some new stuff on here... I'll get around to it one day..
• I just finished the book I Capture the Castle and loved it. Ladies, tis a must read.
Alright, Things I'm Not So Into::
• School not being done.
• The fact that I have one more year of school left. shoot me now.
• Figuring out college shtuff.
• Not having enough time to sleep. Why can't there be one more day in the week? I might actually get things done...
I guess I don't have that much to complain about if that's my "not into" list. God has been very good to me these past couple weeks, even when I feel depressed.
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