Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Separation of Church and...Church

Something I've been thinking a lot about lately, firstly because I'm writing an essay on it and secondly because it's just something I think about a lot, is how important the church is. I don't mean in just the preaching of the Word, I mean in the community that comes out of the Church, the accountability, the mix of gifts. I've been thinking about how important it is that every single gift and occupation come back to church.
Back in the Medieval church, the school, the church, and the government were all wrapped up into one. The Cathedral was where everyone met.
Why isn't it like this today.
I am struck with the thought that everyone shops around for their specific church. You can basically get any type of church that you want now a days. I don't think I necessarily think that this is a good idea. There are been so many people that leave my church because they don't like the music or they don't like the youth group or there are too many boys in the nursery, blah blah blah. Why?! Because we are wired in this day and age to get every thing our way. If church doesn't go our way, we leave. The church doesn't have everything wrapped up in it any more. You can go to a church that as all artists, you can go to a church that has all engineers. Why aren't they all coming together, sharing the gifts and worshiping their God together? They're worshiping the same God, aren't they?

wrap your head around that.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Walter Grimm {by yours truly}

I knew a man once

Whose name was Walter Grimm.

We were more of acquaintances

Than anything else really.

He was one of those people

Who was nice enough,

But didn’t seem to find any joy in life.

He lived on the third floor of my building

And I the second.

He would pass my door every morning

At 7:35 sharp

As I was locking my door.

A brief hello and a smile

Made our morning routine.

He wore the same drab, black jacket

The same black pants

And a black hat.

He was one of those people

That never had a loved one

Never had a girlfriend

And would probably never get married.

Then, one day, a girl moved in next door.

Her name was Ruby Gold.

That first morning she was here was the start.

I was locking my door at 7:35,

And Walter was coming down the hallway.

Ruby Gold, came out of her apartment

At the same time.

I turned and said

“Oh hello Ruby.”

“Hello Chris!”

Walter just stopped.

He looked at her as if he had never seem a women before.

She smiled and introduced herself.

“I’m Walter.”

That was all.

He walked away.

She smiled after him,

Said good morning

And left.

She joined our morning routine.

Three weeks passed.

And then one morning,

As we were finishing our routine

Walter stopped.

“Ruby, would you get dinner with me tonight?!”

I was shocked.

Ruby just smiled,

“Of Course Walter!”

And that was the beginning.

As I recall they got dinner every night.

This stayed like this for about a month.

And then Ruby wanted to get serious.

I think this scared Walter.

I remember their fight.

She was crying and he was calmly saying goodbye.

I looked out my window

And the strangest thing happened.

It was raining colors.

Literally, raining colors.

Walter was walking outside

With his umbrella up, blocking

The colors.

The next morning

Ruby did not join us for our daily routine.

I looked at Walter

Wondering if it was my place to ask

What happened the night before.

Before I could say a word, Walter said,

“She was just too colorful.”