Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Though this may not be wise or insightful, I thought of something to share here.
I want to tell you about one of the most lovely, beautiful, heartwarming place on the earth.

Central Market.

This is where I spend every Tuesday and Friday (and most saturdays too). I work at a stand called "Lettuce Toss Salad", where I make salads for business people. Its like subway where you get to pick what you want on it. I have an amazing boss and awesome co-workers. A few of my best friends work (or have worked) in the stand next to mine and across from mine.

Market is absolutely lovely. The people there are wonderful. In my corner of market, I have some of the best people anyone could ask to interact with. There is Jim from the Herb stand, Omar and his wife from their middle eastern stand, the German Deli couple, everyone who works at the fudge stand, everyone who works at the burrito stand, the Shenks at Shenk's poultry, the Mecks etc at Meck's Produce, the Barr's, and the Turkey Lady people. Its a wonderful community where everyone knows everyone. And with the weather so lovely everyone is in a good mood. haha!

I really wonder if anyone could ask for a better place to work. I know I couldn't. God has surely blessed me with a fun job and amazing people to be around.

I suggest to you that you stop by sometime. There is never a dull moment, and there is great food, flowers, and folk everywhere.

I love Central Market.

I love Lancaster.

{I'm sorry for my ramblings about something that might not be of any interest to you, But I love this place and I wanted to share that with you. xoxoC.A.}


  1. Oh Carey! I adore market, too. This post brought back so many delightful memories. that place is like my second home. All the breakfast clubs and produce-pushers, and Market-Master-sweaters and lunch-regulars. sitting at a table by the windows writing in my journal, people watching, eating salad or a burrito. Striking up conversation with the crazy old ladies, elbow-bumping David, the multitudes of summer camp kids who ALL want a peppermint milkshake. happy shirt colors. The back ally at 6.45 in the morning.... and again at 2.45 in the afternoon.

    I love Market. 80 days until you make me a salad!

  2. oh my gosh. i love all those things too.. esp. breakfast clubs, Market-Master-sweaters, David, and happy shirt colors ;)

    I can't wait to make you a salad. what a day that will be....

