Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bing Crosby - Let's start the new year right

Happy New Year's Eve!!! I hope you're partying is fun and full of wonderful memories.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Little Drumming Josephs

Merry After Christmas Everyone!! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and that your New Year's is just as good :)

This season I've been thinking a lot about Joseph, Jesus's earthly father, and the Little Drummer Boy. I know, I know, not the usual combination. However, for me, these two go hand in hand.
Let's begin with Joseph.

18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ[a] took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed[b] to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 19 And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. 20 But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” 22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet:

23 “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall call his name Immanuel”

(which means, God with us). 24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus.

The story of the virgin birth is too wonderful to believe, but Joseph believed. What a testimony to us. Not only did Joseph believe this miracle, but he was a Real Man. He waited to marry and to be intimate with Mary until after Jesus was born, so that there was not confusion that This was the Son of God. Only a Real Man could do something like that. We need more men like Joseph (and Captain America) in this world. We will return to Mary's man in a sec.

The Little Drummer Boy song makes me cry. Every time. This is the best version.
Come, they told me
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
Our newborn King to see
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum

Our finest gifts we bring
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
To lay before the King
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
Rum, pa, pum, pum, rum, pa, pum, pum

So to honor Him
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
When we come

Little Baby
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
I am a poor boy too
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum

I have no gift to bring
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
That's fit to give a King
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
Rum, pa, pum, pum, rum, pa, pum, pum

Shall I play for You
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
On my drum, on my drum

Mary nodded
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
The ox and lamb kept time
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum

I played my drum for Him
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
I played my best for Him
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
Rum, pa, pum, pum, rum, pa, pum, pum

Then He smiled at me
Pa, rum, pa, pum, pum
Me and my drum

When we come
Me and my drum

I feel like this song is the soundtrack to my life. Yes, I know, strange statement to make. Let me explain. I feel very inadequate a lot of the time when it comes to my faith. I don't feel like a big christian or "spiritual" or on some "God-high". It's taken a long time for me to realize that that is ok. This song is Such a great example of that. My favorite part (the part that makes me cry the most) is this:: I have no gift to bring/ That's fit to give a King/Shall I play for You/On my drum, on my drum/ Mary nodded/ The ox and lamb kept time/I played my drum for Him/ I played my best for Him/Then He smiled at me/Me and my drum

I guess it's the fact that I can be me, little and insignificant. But when I'm my best, He's smiling at me. I don't have to have some grand, spiritual greatness in order to come before the King. I just have to come and that's enough.

It blows my mind. (and makes me cry).

That's brings us back to Joseph.

Joseph didn't doubt. He didn't doubt the angel. He didn't doubt God. He had faith. The opposite of faith is not doubt, but unbelief. I think that this is a common misconception. We should not use our doubt as an excuse to walk away from the faith. Our doubt should bring us closer to God.
C.S. Lewis says "If ours is an examined faith, we should be unafraid to doubt. If doubt is eventually justified, we were believing what clearly was not worth believing. But if doubt is answered, our faith has grown stronger. It knows God more certainly and it can enjoy God more deeply."
(Even for the disciples, seeing was not believing. They walked by faith not by sight, because God told them who Jesus was).

In conclusion, I think all of this comes down to John 3:16 {for God so loved the world that he sent his only son, that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting lift}. We may not know all the whys of the world or of our heartaches but we Do know why the Son of God has come: To Save Us From Our Sin. We have been saved for a life of something bigger than ourselves.
Thus we need to remember the combination of Joseph and the Little Drummer Boy. We need to believe the virgin birth that is too wonderful to believe (like the disciples and Jesus' father) and we need to play our best for Him.

My challenge to you (and to myself) is that we become Little Drumming Josephs.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

yay for christmas

I just wanted to show y'all one of the christmas presents I just got today... *drum roll* My Kelly Moore bag!! seriously, everyone should have one. I am so so so excited and so thankful!! this will be the best book bag for school next fall!!! so not only do I have a hot new camera bag but I also have a new sexy computer bag and book bag!

thats all.

Merry Christmas!!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

in honor of being bedridden.

Today I have been sick. I've been laying on my parents bed all day long and the only thing that has kept me alive (besides the water I have been drinking) is Pinterest. I just haaad to show you this uhdorable outfit I found today!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

And now.... I have arrived

SO for the past three and a half hours I have been sitting on my bedroom floor, making crafts and watching Bones. I am seriously in the Christmas spirit right now. I decided to make my Christmas presents to my friends this year, which, if you know me, is a big deal.

I am Not crafty.

I suck at crafts. drawing=fail. scrapbooking=fail. putting things together out of paper=fail.

So Like I said. Big Deal.

and I have to say that my creations look FanTabulous. with a capital ehph.

All this to say, as soon as christmas comes and I give this awesomeness to my peeps, YOU, dear blog readers, will get a whole post devoted to my creations.

and, if I do say so myself, it will be great.

I hope all of you're Christmas prep is going awesome!


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Party Inspiration Board

Hello Christmas Time! You know what that means? Christmas Parties!! So this inspiration board is parties (duh.) I have seen a lot of people picking sparkles, glitter etc for their dresses for christmas parties, but I think that's more for New Years Eve parties. This red dress I found is perfect for christmas! I did, however, throw in some glitter with the purse, cuz, Imma sucker for glitter and sparkles.
So Enjoy. I hope you're christmas is Awesome!

{1. 3191 Miles Apart 2. unknown 3. LuLu's 4. unknown 5. BHLDN}

Monday, December 12, 2011

a christmas monday.

I'm sitting in Chestnut Hill Cafe, listening to Sufjan Steven's Christmas album, drinking coffee and eating a beautiful sandwich. It's the little things that make life good. Right now, these are the little things. In a few minutes I will settle down and read Uncle Tom's Cabin and drink more coffee. What a wonderful season to be celebrating.

Happy Christmas.

{photo credit: 3191 miles apart}

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What A Happy Time of Year!!

Happy Christmas Time!!!
I hope all you, my blog readers, are doing extremely well this gorgeous holiday season. I have been struck multiple times with the thought of how freaking happy this time of year is. I seriously think it's the "most wonderful time of the year".
The things that are making me happy right now are as follows:

1. Christmas music, specifically Michael Buble's Christmas album (UHmazing.) and TobyMac ft. Owl City's The First Noel. could it be any better? NO.

2. The King's College. I don't think I told y'all, but I got accepted to the school of my dreams in New York City. I am 98% I'll be living in New York City next fall. me=ridiculously happy. like ridiculously.

3. Pinterest. nough said.

4. GOD. I am constantly floored by The Lord's love for ME, a miserable offender. What a Mighty, Jealous, Awesome God. I seriously can't get enough.

I am so thankful. As the 2011 year draws to a close (Well not yet, but soon) I just can't believe the amazing friends, family, teachers, and Lord I have. I just love my church, my youth group, my job, my classes, my college(!!).

What are you Thankful for and What is making you Happy this Christmas Season??Leave a comment below!!

much love,

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Separation of Church and...Church

Something I've been thinking a lot about lately, firstly because I'm writing an essay on it and secondly because it's just something I think about a lot, is how important the church is. I don't mean in just the preaching of the Word, I mean in the community that comes out of the Church, the accountability, the mix of gifts. I've been thinking about how important it is that every single gift and occupation come back to church.
Back in the Medieval church, the school, the church, and the government were all wrapped up into one. The Cathedral was where everyone met.
Why isn't it like this today.
I am struck with the thought that everyone shops around for their specific church. You can basically get any type of church that you want now a days. I don't think I necessarily think that this is a good idea. There are been so many people that leave my church because they don't like the music or they don't like the youth group or there are too many boys in the nursery, blah blah blah. Why?! Because we are wired in this day and age to get every thing our way. If church doesn't go our way, we leave. The church doesn't have everything wrapped up in it any more. You can go to a church that as all artists, you can go to a church that has all engineers. Why aren't they all coming together, sharing the gifts and worshiping their God together? They're worshiping the same God, aren't they?

wrap your head around that.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Walter Grimm {by yours truly}

I knew a man once

Whose name was Walter Grimm.

We were more of acquaintances

Than anything else really.

He was one of those people

Who was nice enough,

But didn’t seem to find any joy in life.

He lived on the third floor of my building

And I the second.

He would pass my door every morning

At 7:35 sharp

As I was locking my door.

A brief hello and a smile

Made our morning routine.

He wore the same drab, black jacket

The same black pants

And a black hat.

He was one of those people

That never had a loved one

Never had a girlfriend

And would probably never get married.

Then, one day, a girl moved in next door.

Her name was Ruby Gold.

That first morning she was here was the start.

I was locking my door at 7:35,

And Walter was coming down the hallway.

Ruby Gold, came out of her apartment

At the same time.

I turned and said

“Oh hello Ruby.”

“Hello Chris!”

Walter just stopped.

He looked at her as if he had never seem a women before.

She smiled and introduced herself.

“I’m Walter.”

That was all.

He walked away.

She smiled after him,

Said good morning

And left.

She joined our morning routine.

Three weeks passed.

And then one morning,

As we were finishing our routine

Walter stopped.

“Ruby, would you get dinner with me tonight?!”

I was shocked.

Ruby just smiled,

“Of Course Walter!”

And that was the beginning.

As I recall they got dinner every night.

This stayed like this for about a month.

And then Ruby wanted to get serious.

I think this scared Walter.

I remember their fight.

She was crying and he was calmly saying goodbye.

I looked out my window

And the strangest thing happened.

It was raining colors.

Literally, raining colors.

Walter was walking outside

With his umbrella up, blocking

The colors.

The next morning

Ruby did not join us for our daily routine.

I looked at Walter

Wondering if it was my place to ask

What happened the night before.

Before I could say a word, Walter said,

“She was just too colorful.”

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Passions, Defined. a poem.

Passions, Defined.

“We should employ our passions in the service of life, not spend life in the service of our passions”–Richard Steele

Of course, Passion was given

To the human race for a


But Why?

Didn’t He know that this

“Gift” would get in the way

Of.. well.. Everything?!

He must have known.

Then, of course, everyone

Has their own passion.

Farmers, Farming.

Girls, Chocolate.

Christians, Jesus.

That’s it.

Passion can be dangerous,


BUT if a human had no passion

How could we Love the Lord

To the Fullest of our Being?!

Beyond that,

He had blessed us

With Passion

That will help His children

Go through life and love what they do.


Should not rule us.

The One who gifted

Us with it should

Take over everything.

Friday, October 21, 2011

My Ever Changing Face, by C.A

Here I sit, on the mantle, All day, everyday.
I stare at you
My expression constantly Changing, and yet you Rarely notice.

But Then!
Every so often Throughout my day You look at my Face. Sometimes you look Bored,

But never once do you Ask me how

I try not to take it personally. I continue to try to please you, Changing my expression.

But there are times
When I just can’t stand it Anymore.
So I take the opportunity When it storms
To stop my ever changing face And force you to feel like I do.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

when it rains, blessings pour.

I am sitting in Prince Street Cafe, drinking coffee, and doing homework. (well, and writing this blog post). The weather outside the window I'm sitting in is dreary-- rainy, windy, grey.
I've been thinking about how miserable this weather is and how it makes doing homework so much more unbearable. ugh.

Prince Street is incredibly cozy right now, though, because of this weather. And because I'm nice and warm and cozified, I'm struck with the reality of my complaining spirit. Why should I complain about how awful the weather is? Why should I criticize what God has made? These thoughts leave me with the realization of what a blessing rain actually is.

Rain brings new life! Every spring. It rains and green things grow. If we did not have rain we would be a desert land. What a blessing! I know I for one love green. So why am I complaining when this rain will some day bring new life?! I am also struck with the promise that God will never destroy the earth with flood again. What a promise!

This rain reminds me of the Promises God has given me {us} and the blessings he showers upon me {us} every single day. Who am I to complain?

Thank you Lord for the rain.

Monday, October 17, 2011

and now..

Hello Fall. I'm so glad you're here.

{3191 Miles Apart}

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Music Tuesday

I absolutely love this song. This is what I have been listening to allll week. Enjoy!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

New York Style Inspiration Board

It's been a rainy, dreary start to October. Not exactly the way I was picturing my fall to be, but I guess I can't really pick. Anywhoo I was just thinking about how much I want to move to New York City {and let me tell you, my want = a Lot} and I was looking at my pinterest {you should totally follow me! it's kind of my obsession right now} and I came up with this inspiration board for the week.
I think this outfit is perfectly classy yet really fun at the same time. Exactly for New York! Ha! Hopefully this brightens your day where ever you are, like it has for me :)
Have a good monday!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Meditation 1 :: Edward Taylor

What Love is this of thine, that Cannot bee
In thine Infinity, O Lord, Confinde,
Unless it in they very Person see,
Infinity, and Finity Conjoyn'd?
What hath they Godhead, asa not satisfide
Marri'de our Manhood, making it its Bride?

Oh, Matchless Love! filling Heaven to the brim!
O're running it: all running o're beside
This World! Nay Overflowing Hell; wherein
For thine Elect, there rose a might Tide!
That there our Veans might through they Person bleed,
To quench those flames, that else would on us feed.

Oh! that thy Love might overflow my Heart!
To fire the same with Love: for Love I would.
But oh! my streight'ned Breast! my Lifeless Sparke!
My Fireless Flame! What Chilly Love, and Cold?
In measure small! In Manner Chilly! See.
Lord blow the Coal: Thy Love Enflame in mee.

*I absolutely love this. It's exactly how I feel..

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Live Loud: walk in love.

and so it begins.

Hopefully my summer away from the blog will be over. and we will start this new school year with insightful, funny, Godfilled things.

I love you all.

Monday, June 20, 2011

the love-hat relationship -Aaron Belz

I have been thinking about the love-hat relationship.
It is the relationship based on love of one another's hats.
The problem with the love-hat relationship is that it is superficial.
You don't necessarily even know the other person.
Also it is too dependent on whether the other person
is even wearing the favored hat. We all enjoy hats,
but they're not something to build an entire relationship on.
My advice to young people is to like hats but not love them.
Try having like-hats relationships with one another.
See if you can find something interesting about
the personality of the person whose hat you like.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

what -Aaron Belz

{this poem makes me laugh every time}

Every day I get emails
that say things like
BELZ! We should
have done that one
thing that one
time, remember?
Really though
how ARE things?

And I always reply
the same way,
like, DUDE!
I do not know
who you are.
Where do I know
you from?
But I never hear back.

I save all those emails
in a special folder
labeled "I hate my life."

Cupped In My Hand

The stars are very
far away.
I stood outside
my chin lifted heavenward.
"Look up at the heavens
And count the stars--
if indeed you can
count them"

I cannot.

"So your offspring shall be."

Since Abram
Many stars have burnt
their last.
How many more
till I see my Lord?

I hope to be wise.
Those who are wise
will shine like the
brightness of the heavens.
I hope to be righteous,
and like those who lead
many to righteousness, so I
may shine like the stars for
ever and ever.

Fireflies are like little stars.
Stars we can touch.
The twinkle in the

God reminding us of
his covenant.

It is almost like
holding this divinity
cupped in my hand.

What a little blessing.

{photo found on}

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just Call Me Sal

I've gone strawberry picking. I've gone raspberry picking (we have a huuuuuge raspberry bush in our backyard). I have yet to go blueberry picking.
One of the things I love most about summer is the fruit it produces--namely, Blueberries. I Love Them. oh I love them.
This morning, while eating a bagel and blueberries for breakfast, I thought about two things:
a) how good Mom's fruit salad was last night (pictured left).


b) how if I ever went blueberry picking I would want to do it like Sal. If you have never read Blueberries For Sal you have been deprived and you must now go to the library and read this adorable book.
If I ever go blueberry picking it must be on a mountain like structure. I must wear overalls. I must have short hair. I must eat more blueberries than I pick. and I must become a bear's child.

I want to be Sal. for, I love blueberries. and so does she.

and she's just so cute!!

Read the book. Now. Go. DO. It.