Passions, Defined.
“We should employ our passions in the service of life, not spend life in the service of our passions”–Richard Steele
Of course, Passion was given
To the human race for a
But Why?
Didn’t He know that this
“Gift” would get in the way
Of.. well.. Everything?!
He must have known.
Then, of course, everyone
Has their own passion.
Farmers, Farming.
Girls, Chocolate.
Christians, Jesus.
That’s it.
Passion can be dangerous,
BUT if a human had no passion
How could we Love the Lord
To the Fullest of our Being?!
Beyond that,
He had blessed us
With Passion
That will help His children
Go through life and love what they do.
Should not rule us.
The One who gifted
Us with it should
Take over everything.
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