"How can I paint the happiness of a marriage which the church ratifies, the oblation celebration of communion confirms, the benediction seals, angels announce, the Father declares valid? Even upon earth, indeed, sons do not marry without the consent of their fathers. What a marriage that is between two believers! They have one hope, one desire, one way of life, one religion. They are brother and sister, both fellow servants, not divided in flesh or in spirit- truly 'two in one flesh,' for where is one flesh there is also one spirit. They pray together; they prostrate together; they carry out fasts together. They instruct one another and exhort one another. Side by side they are present in the church of God and at the banquet of God; they are side by side in difficulties and in consolations. Neither ever hides things from the other; neither avoids the other; neither is a grief to the other. Freely the sick are visited and the poor are sustained. Without anxiety, misgiving, or hinderance from the other, they give alms, attend the sacrifices [of the church], perform their daily duties [of piety]. They are not secretive about among the sign of the cross; they are not fearful in greetings; they are not silent in giving benedictions. They sing psalms and hymns on to the other; they challenge each other as to who better sings to God. When Christ sees and hears such things, he rejoices. He gives them his peace. Where two are together in his name, there is he, and where he is, there the evil one cannot come."
I hope you find this as beautiful and encouraging as I do! Happy Monday.
{picture found on pinterest}
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