Saturday, May 5, 2012

Senior Year Say What?! and elephants

My friend Aubrey and I: LAST DAY OF CLASSES. We so excited.
It's May. I can't believe that it's May already. I've slowly been crossing things off of my "Things To Do Before I Graduate" List:

Senior Prom
Last choir concert with three of my best friends: Amy, Derek and Anya
Finish HATS (my co-op)
Last Choir concert with CLCHM
•Last Carnival before leaving for school
•Finish Math
•Write a 10pager
•Finish little school work
•Pick a graduate date

I'm soooooooo close. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
That being said, I feel a little sentimental right now. I shed quite a few tears last night at my choir concert. My director always recognizes the seniors and gives them a rose in front of everyone. I've been waiting for my turn for FOREVER and when I finally went, I bawled. I gave ten years of my life to this event... and now it's over. so weird.
I was looking at photos from past choir and hats social events and started feeling sad that it's over. What good, sweet, joyous times I've had. What wonderful people I've been privileged to have in my life. I'm so incredibly thankful. God has blessed me so much! I can't believe a new chapter is about to begin.
that being said... I didn't get the scholarship that I tried out for. I was devastated but as time has gone on, I'm starting to see how God is working through this. And the praise is that I have all next year paid for. NEW YORK HERE I COME.
Last day of classes!!!! YAY
Senior Prom: Awesome Juniors

Carnival! With my sister Maggie, her friend Gabby, and our "cousin" Delaney
Aubs and Joylee

my besties: Susannah and Danika
Last weekend was girls night with my besties. Susannah and Danika are the best. We spent the evening talking in Susannah's kitchen while eating hotdogs and cookie dough and drinking cranberry juice (our favs), watching movies, and laughing on her bed. It was one of the those things that we value so much but weren't able to do in a while cuz of life. It was so necessary and long in coming. I love them.

In other news: I'm in love with elephants right now. I mean seriously. They're the cutest.

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